general debility meaning in Chinese
- After her operation she suffered from general debility
她在手术感到全身虚弱 - Interior of the country , a great number of famous groups were threatened by the marketing crisis and marketing failure . as " juren group " fell down , " taiyangshen group " went down , " feilong group " hit the ground and many advertising kings broke down , some of the excellent companies , which had ever presented the market trend , are now sinking into the condemn of general debility or even bankruptcy . since our country takes part in the wto , the competition will turn from the domestic , partial , un - integrate one to the one of international and overall
上个世纪末波及全球的东南亚金融危机,造成东南亚地区的经济倒退、企业倒闭;在国内, “巨人”倒下、 “太阳神”下山、 “飞龙”落地、 “标王”破产,一大批知名企业被营销危机和营销失败笼罩,过去曾是领导市场潮流风云企业,而现在却陷入亏损甚至破产的困境;随着我国wto的加入,国内竞争逐步发展为国际的竞争,竞争日渐激烈,市场的竞争将由国内的、局部的、不完整的竞争转向国际化的、全方位的竞争,市场特点将由国内市场的国际化变为国际市场的国内化,更多的企业将面临营销失败。